DOM KENNEDY Talks Independent Success (News)


Dom Kennedy is Pepsi’s “Artist Of The Week”, in his interview he speaks on his independent success.

Music has openly accepted Independent artists and guys like you, Macklemore, Mac Miller, and just recently Nipsey Hussle with his ingenious marketing plan have thrived. Talk about the significance of the success you guys are having as independent artists and what that means to music?

Man, it’s great. It’s great to show people different ways of not taking no for an answer and what happens when you count people out on certain things. If anything, that’s what me and Nipsey are currently doing right now. It’s a great feeling to be a part of that. Just to be even mentioned musically, business wise, – but mainly music – helps draw light to the fact that we want to be respected and remembered as artists, and as men that are putting out quality rap records.

You can read the entire interview here.