Fresh Off The Boat With Eddie Huang: Los Angeles (Video)

Yummm tacos. Chef, writer and cultural critic Eddie Huang dips through the wonderful city of Los Angeles (not a biased opinion) in his latest three-part episode of “Fresh Off The Boat With Eddie Huang.” In the following videos, Eddie travels through Tehrangeles, Iranian neighborhoods and East LA. This episode includes delicious eats and cultural finds that you may or may not have known about the city on the best coast, LA. Again not a biased opinion.

Watch the episode after the jump.

In the first LA episode, Eddie rolls through the Tehrangeles to shop for Persian rugs the price of cars, eat brain and tongue sandwiches, and test out some magical saffron ice cream before ending the night at Little Tehran’s most famed hookah spot.

Eddie links with LA food truck King, Roy Choi, in East LA to eat corn tortilla tacos and talk about how they’ve chosen to live the food life.

The Techniques have settled down since the old days of the infamous LA car club wars. Now they’re family men, riding low with their kids sitting shot gun instead of a shotgun riding shot gun. In this episode, Eddie spends a Sunday afternoon with the club, riding around in their candy painted lowriders, enjoying the California sun, and swapping barbecue secrets.

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