Adrian Marcel – 7 Days Of Weak (Mixtape)


Ever since I came across this mixtape from R&B newcomer Adrian Marcel I have been obsessed, it’s all I have been listening to in my car.

Raphael Saadiq seems to have a personal stake in the success of this new R&B kid, Adrian Marcel, so much so that he introduces the mixtape, 7 Days Of Weak, with fatherly advice from a music veteran to a newcomer on the grind. Perhaps Raphael sees a bit of what he wants the future of R&B to look like in Adrian, and he is prepared to pass the torch.


Download: Adrian Marcel  – 7 Days Of Weak (Mixtape) 


Jay-Z On Executive Producing ‘The Great Gatsby’ Soundtrack (Video)

Listen to Jay-Z discuss his inspiration for getting involved with the Great Gatsby and why executive producing major films is the next stage in his business development.

After the jump, catch Hov’s “100$ Bill” in the latest The Great Gatsby TV spot. Film premieres May 10th.

Continue reading Jay-Z On Executive Producing ‘The Great Gatsby’ Soundtrack (Video)