4 thoughts on “Drama Beats- Lambo ft. Yelawolf (RADIO RIP)”

  1. I agree with BosleyBeats. I have worked in urban for over 10 years and this is train hopping. The beat is decent, by no means terrible, but there is nothing fresh about it at all, nothing unique, nothing that Drama Beats could could claim this worth. It doesn't stand out and when you compare it to the other "hard" "southern" tracks that have come out or are out now, it doesn't measure up to the bangers/smash hits. The beat is also a little redundant and could use some changes. That instinct, that one thing in the song that makes ANYONE needing music in the game from an artist or label stand-point go, damn, that dude gets it, that dude is on some fresh, innovative shit. All that being said, I do like the vocal production. You're not quite there, DM, but keep pluggin' away.

  2. General Feedback:

    This beat is decent at best, and could use a little bit *more* in the sense of additional textures, and changes.

    I can definitely hear a bit of dirty south influence in some areas (robotic hi-hats, my personal fav) and the classic hip-hop vibe with your typical 808/909 style snare hits, and bass boom. But… That's about it.

    The production and mixing on this track is excellent, and I love the flairs that are done to the vocals. The vocals and lyrics are very very catchy, in which I was singing / humming along instantly.

    Overall, Drama, if you're reading this; do work on crafting your beats a bit more and find / give it *your* unique touch, so your work can stand out. Keep cranking these beats dudes, you're only gonna get better, fiercer and more original as an aspiring producer.


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