WMCB – Jay Rock Belmont High

Billy “Deelon” Hoyle @ the scorer’s table.. Jay Rock stopped by one of our Power 106 Charity High School B-Ball Games.. Peep the footage above, shouts to B-Dot and Ace Rice over @ Warner Bros for the video.. Out of shape and overweight I’m still breaking ankles on the court. Wait till my New Years Resolution kicks in.

WTF FRIDAY – The Strikeout

Mr. Hoyle on the check in! It’s been a minute sense we’ve had a true What The Fuck Friday. This should make up for it. Shout out to the Snowman a.k.a. WhiteMenCanBlog Super Fan for sending this video our way. We don’t condone the actions above, but they sure are fun to laugh at. In the words of Vinny “WhiteMenCanBlog reminds you to be responsible and do not drink and drive!”

Murs Monday Pt. 1

William H. back again! We had the pleasure of having Murs on with us as a guest host for The Takeover recently.   We also filmed a brief whitemencanblog.com interview with the presidential nominee. Here is part 1! Murs discusses his start and how he ended up on Warner Bros. Shouts to Trav and Vince from Orisue on the cameo.  Check back each Monday as we broke up the interview into tiny digestible parts that include everything from how he runs L.A. to his thoughts on Kobe Bryant. Shameless Plug: The Takeover Wednesday Nights @ midnight on Power 106 Los Angeles!!