Only In Hollyweird w/ Justin Credible: Frank Ocean & Silkk The Shocker?

So this weekend was very eventful to say the least.Saturday, I was doing some shopping for my dj gig at Playhouse later that night, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted one of my favorite new artists. Well how new can he be? He sold out the Wiltern in like five minutes, performed on SNL, has really hot chicks in his latest video, and was featured on not one, but two songs on Jay Z & Kanye West’s “Watch The Throne” album. Yes, I bumped into Frank Ocean! I walked right up to him and said “I don’t mean to bug you but, I am a really big fan of your work”. He looked at me and said, “thank you. You look really F**CKIN familiar”, LOL.

I told him I worked for Power 106 and we talked for a few minutes. He was really cool. We actually ended up taking the elevator to our cars. I mentioned this on twitter and got tons of replies. I would like to answer questions I received the most right here, right now.

NO, Frank did not try to kiss me in the elevator, and YES, his car was just like mine except $75,000 dollars more expensive. -__-

He did mention he isin the studio working on a new album. Can’t wait to hear!Also, if anyone else cares, on Sunday, I bumped into SilkK The Shocker at Tacos Reyes in Woodland Hills while ordering three carne asada tacos w/ cheese. Yes, I’m talking about No Limit, “It Ain’t My Fault” Silkk the Shocker. He wasn’t as friendly, and he looked like he just got out of church and really didn’t want to be noticed. C’mon bro.

Till next time… As I always say “welcome to holly-weird, don’t let this town ruin you”.

-Justin Credible